Yuck, murky conditions indeed

Clear skies were forecast for this evening so, wanting to get a bit of observing in before the Moon rose, I grabbed the binocs and headed outside, hoping to knock off some of the rest of my AL Binocular Deep Sky objects. Once my eyes had adapted it quickly became very apparent that I wasn’t going to be doing much – the conditions were terrible with a high thin veil over the stars.

It is supposed to clear later on, but the moon is one day past full and is 98% of full, and was already washing out the sky it’s not worth the bother, I’ll just go to bed instead. I am just pleased I didn’t lug out the 12 inch.

It’s the Isle of Wight Star Party next week. I am looking forward to this, no matter what the weather may bring. I had intended to go to and from home and the holiday camp in Brighstone but what I might do instead is take my tent, brave the cold and camp there as I don’t think I can be arsed to drive between there and home. I have managed to get next Friday afternoon off work so I can come home, get my stuff and head over there and not have to go over in the dark.